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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Depression and Its Treatments By Jarred Dee  

One in five Americans suffer from depression in their lifetime. It affects more than 17 million Americans each year. According to a statistic from the National Institute of Health, the estimated cost of depression to the U.S. is between 33 and 44 billion dollars a year. Depression is linked to the more than 30,000 suicides a year. (Ainsworth 3-5) The depression being discussed is not merely a day of feeling blue but a clinical diagnosis, also known as Major Depressive Disorder, or MDD (Clinical Practice Guidelines).

The statistic of one in five Americans would include at least one of my family members, probably two. My family has had 4 members who have battled clinical depression, including myself. Depression is a bigger problem than most Americans realize and it demands immediate attention. Although the new technology of antidepressant medications can be effective, negative side effects and healthy alternatives should make antidepressant medications your last resort.

Depression is not a new thing, and neither are its treatments. Antidepressant medications have evolved from monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) to tricyclics (TCA) to the most recent selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). SSRI’s are much more effective than earlier medications, and some versions such as Prozac have even been called “miracle drugs” (Ainsworth 93). It would be ignorant of anybody to say that antidepressants have no place in the medical field. With over 54 million Americans having been prescribed Prozac alone (Prozac), SSRI’s have established a large role in the treatment of depression. Such medications are capable of correcting some problems that nothing else can.

However, these medications do not come without their negative aspects, and there are many. SSRI’s are notorious for their negative side effects. Ainsworth states that some smaller side effects can include headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and stomachaches (89). It can be argued that these small side effects are nothing when compared to the symptoms that a depressed person faces daily, but that doesn’t make them any less harmful.

SSRI’s also have much larger side effects that must be taken into consideration. One of the larger side effects that SSRI’s can cause is sleep disturbances. Ironically, depression itself is noted for its symptoms of bad sleep patterns, insomnia or excessive sleep (Ainsworth 57). SSRI’s do not help these sleeping problems. Psychology Information Online (PIO) states that one very common and large side effect of some SSRI’s is the constant feeling of drowsiness and the feeling of never having slept enough. The medication that is supposed to stop depression is actually adding to one of its worst symptoms, proving it a non-preferred method of treatment.

Another major negative side effect that antidepressants can cause is the inability to reach orgasm (PIO). An interview with Sarah reveals that depression alone has caused the inability to reach orgasm for her, and that this is a common problem for males and females as well. Medications add to this problem rather than solve it. Antidepressant medications once again fail to treat the symptoms of the very illness that they are trying to cure.

The application of antidepressants is not an exact science, and it still poses risks. SSRI’s alter the amount of chemicals in your brain, either by supplying chemicals or preventing the use of certain chemicals in the brain. Earlier medications, such as MAO's, proved to be quite dangerous while proper dosage amounts were found for each patient. PIO explains that an overdose of certain MAO’s can be fatal. The newer medications such as SSRI’s have greatly reduced this risk, but fatal overdosing still remains as a very small possibility. Accidental suicide can be caused by the very medication that is supposed to be treating depression, a large cause of suicides in the United States (PIO).

Due to the function of antidepressant medications, they can cause complex problems that are unrelated to depression. As antidepressants alter the amount of chemicals in your brain at any given time, the disruption of such a complex system can lead to many other problems. One example of this is brought up in Elkin’s Depression and Natural Medicine when it says, “While they [SSRI’s] raise the level of a certain type of serotonin, they lower another. There is also a concern that these drugs act as nervous system stimulants, which can result in altering one’s perception of reality and impairing judgment” (32). Impairing judgment is one of the side effects of alcohol, and we know how dangerous that can be. These side effects must be considered when deciding on treatments for depression. When taken with other prescription drugs, SSRI’s can cause serious problems. Ainsworth reports that “SSRI’s interact with many other medications by altering the speed or efficiency of liver enzymes that break down the other medications” (93). The result can cause serious side effects. This is an especially big problem for the large percentage of elderly people taking antidepressants in combination with other prescriptions. Ainsworth explains that “It is wise to discuss with your physician any medication combinations that include an SSRI” (95). Any use of antidepressant medication has its risks, and must be evaluated carefully.

Many of the negative side effects of antidepressant medications have been evaluated against their risks and benefits. I do not wish you to believe that the only road to treat depression is dangerous. There is an alternative, less risky method for treating depression that is much less intrusive. Healthy alternatives to antidepressant medications exist naturally, and can be just as effective. One such healthy alternative can be found by monitoring the diet. Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids make up our body, and provide chemicals to our brain through our body’s natural processes. Deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can cause a lack of serotonin and norepinephrine, the primary chemicals involved in mood regulation (Elkins 26). This deficit can be caused by eating unhealthily, or simply by not eating enough. Diets, a fad among Americans, are also related to depression. Elkins writes “The most common reason for abandoning a diet is dealing with the serotonin depletion we experience. The classic symptoms of dieting, which include irritability, depression, moodiness, and nervousness can be the direct result of a serotonin deficiency, created by a lack of carbohydrates” (114). A natural consequence of a low carbohydrate intake is lower levels of serotonin in the brain, suggesting that a healthy diet results in a healthy amount of serotonin in the brain. Elkins supports this idea by saying, “If serotonin levels are so crucial to both depression and carbohydrate craving, amino acid and vitamin therapy may be extremely valuable in helping to control neurotransmitter levels” (114). The purpose of antidepressant medications is to help regulate neurotransmitter levels in the brain, which can also be accomplished naturally by the proper intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. The healthy alternative offers no negative side effects.

As discussed earlier, sleep plays a major role in depression as well. I conducted an interview with a therapist by the name of Terry Route. He is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and has been a practicing therapist for over 20 years. He has worked extensively with patients suffering from depression throughout his employment. I asked him what the first thing he suggested to a patient suffering from depression was. He responded with, “Fix their sleep. Get them to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Sleep where you will not be disturbed, in the basement with earplugs, in the dark, away from your spouse if necessary.” Route continued by saying that when they actually followed this advice, the depression was overcome in 75% of all cases.

I must admit that there is some controversy here, due to the fact that depression causes sleep abnormalities. If depression causes un-restful and interrupted sleep, how can sleeping be a cure for depression? The trick here lies with the neurotransmitters in the brain. Serotonin helps regulate sleep cycles. “If serotonin levels are abnormally low, sleeping intervals decrease. In other words, you tend to wake up easier than you are supposed to” (Elkins 194). Lower serotonin levels means that your sleep is interrupted easier than it should be. By following Route’s advice you actually improve your restful sleep and allow your body to replenish depleted serotonin levels while you rest. Sleep, a natural process without negative side effects, has been proven to aid in relieving symptoms of depression.

According to Justice Wirz’s article in the Archives of General Psychiatry, one other factor that can naturally combat depression without negative side effects is sunlight. As light is received in the pineal gland through the eyes, it triggers the shutdown of the production of melatonin, another chemical found in the body. Melatonin is a key chemical that induces the production of serotonin. When a person does not receive enough sunlight, the production cycle of melatonin is disrupted. The pineal gland does not function properly and does not produce enough melatonin, resulting in an insufficient amount of melatonin to trigger the production of serotonin. (861-862)

Doesn’t artificial light cause the same reaction in the pineal gland as sunlight? Dr. Richard Wurtman, Ph.D. of MIT points out that “artificial lights that are typically used to illuminate interiors provide only around one-tenth of the light which would be found outside under one shady tree on a sunny day” (qtd. in Elkins 93). The information suggests that there is no replacement for good old fashion sunlight, and our body knows it.

Another good natural combatant to depression is exercise. Prolonged exercise produces endorphins in the body. Endorphins can cause a feeling of euphoria, also known as “runner’s high,” which counteracts the sad moods of depression. It has been suggested and studied that endorphins in the body help restore chemical imbalances to their natural state, aiding in the treatment of depression. An article posted on the web page for the American Psychology Association reads, “The greater the length of the exercise program and the larger the total number of exercise sessions, the greater the decrease in depression with exercise” (Psychology Matters).
Antidepressant medications and their negative side effects have been discussed, as well as positive healthy alternatives. Each has been weighed for its benefits and risks. Negative side effects can be extreme or mild, depending on the case. Antidepressant medications have been proven to treat depression, but not without their risks. Such medications should only be used when absolutely necessary, when other methods have been exhausted. A depressed person may have a hard time getting themselves out of the hole they are in even when they want to try natural treatment methods. In such cases, medication can be used as a means to get the person started towards a more healthy treatment method. The least intrusive method of treatment should be our first effort. If natural methods do not work, then the risks of antidepressant medications become a worthy option for treatment.

I have suffered from deprssion in my own life. I have had a front row seat as my loved ones suffered. Nobody knows better than myself how nasty depression can be, and how hard it is to conquer. My family members and I have tried every possible medication and we remain unsatisfied. The negative side effects are horrible. I have done everything I can to treat my depression without the use of antidepressant medications and succeeded, at times. Other times, I have done everything in my power and it has not been enough. Antidepressants were my last resort, and they worked. I did have to deal with many ugly side effects, but they were absolutely necessary and I knew that because I had already tried everything else.

If you have more than 5 loved ones, chances are that you will deal with depression first hand. Many people run to their doctor and ask for “miracle drugs” without considering natural alternatives that don’t hold the risks or negative side effects of antidepressant medications. It is our responsibility to know the options available so that when depression hits, we are prepared to assist our loved ones with the best solution to their circumstance. Medications can be effective, but should be used as a last resort due to the availability of healthy alternatives that offer no negative side effects.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Depression: More Than Being Down in the Dumps By David Westbrook Platinum Quality Author  

How common is depression?

So common that it is thought of as the common cold of mental illnesses. However, this is not to understate the severity of depression which is one of the leading indicators of suicide. By some estimates depression costs the country a staggering $43 billion dollars a year in costs resulting from medicine, hospitalization, lost work days and reduced productivity. One in six of us will experience a major depressive episode in our lives and 15 million Americans are suffering from depression at any given time.

What causes depression?

There are a great many possible causes for depression. Frequently, depression is caused by an organic (chemical) or physiological cause. Possible organic causes include food allergies, heavy metals, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Depression can also be caused by preexisting physical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, and nutritional deficiencies.

How do you know if you have depression?

Depression can be broken into at least two categories major depression also called unipolar depression or mild depression, which is also referred to as dysthmia.

Major depression is determined by therapists to be present when a person has five of the following symptoms: Poor appetite accompanied by weight loss, or increased appetite accompanies by weight gain; insomnia or excessive sleep; hyperactivity; loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities or decrease in sexual drive; loss of energy including feelings of fatigue; feelings of worthlessness; reduction in one's ability to think or concentrate; recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Some symptoms of mild depression can be similar to those of major depression. Therapists will diagnose a person as having mild depression if at least three of the following symptoms for at least two years: low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence; pessimism; hopelessness or despair; lack of interest in ordinary pleasures and activities; withdrawal from social activities; fatigue or lethargy; guilt or ruminating about the past; irritability or excessive anger; lessened productivity; difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

How does western medicine treat depression?

A number of drugs have been developed by western medicine for the purpose of treating depression. These drugs include tricyclic antidepressants (Amoxapine, Amitriptyline, Trazodone and Mirtazapine), polycyclic antidepressants (Imiparamine, Desipramine or Protriptyline), or most commonly prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Nefazodone, Sertraline or Parozetine). Other drugs such as Venlafaxine which increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain and Bupropion which increases catecholamine reuptake are also used for depression. Most drugs are prescribed to increase chemicals in the brain that are low in people who are depressed.

What are the natural remedies for depression?

Natural medicine practitioners frequently prescribe botanical medicines for depression. The best researched of the botanical medicine for treating depression is St. John's Wort. The studies done to date have shown that St. John's Wort is just as effective as anti-depressants for treating mild depression and that patients report greater satisfaction and fewer side effects then with anti-depressants. Ginkgo bilboa has also proven effective for treating depression in both human and animal studies. Exactly how Ginkgo bilboa works to treat depression is not known; however, the most likely reasons are that it impacts serotonin levels and that it is a powerful antioxidant.

Homeopathic medication that is frequently used for depression includes Anacardium, Arsenicum album, Aurum metallicum, Calcarea carbonica, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, and Sulfur. The exact remedy is chosen by matching a person's individual symptoms with the remedy.

Counseling is frequently employed in the treatment of depression. Of the counseling techniques available, one of the most useful for treating depression is Cognitive therapy. In this type of counseling the counselor works with the patient to restructure the thought patterns of the individual. Important in treating depression are how the person thinks about such issues as failure, mistakes, and personal deficiencies.

Other natural therapies may treat hormonal imbalances including hypothyroidism, and adrenal functions. Treating these and other hormonal imbalances can clear up depression. More information on these conditions can be found on other pages of this site.

Can you prevent depression?

Self-care is highly important in warding off and preventing reoccurrence of depression. Important factors include diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements.

Lifestyle changes may be in order.

People suffering from depression should decrease, or better yet discontinue, alcohol consumption as alcohol is a depressant drug. They should begin or increase exercise to increase levels of endorphins. And, they may want to discontinue or reduce intake of caffeine.

Diet changes should include an increase in fruits, vegetables, grains and raw nuts and seeds all of which are fiber-rich. Avoid any foods which are triggering allergies.

Some supplements to consider include folic acid and vitamin B12 (800 mg /day each) which are frequently deficient in people with depression; vitamin B6 (50 - 100 mg / day) which is essential for the brain to make serotonin, and omega-3 oils which are important in the composition of nerve cell membranes.

Natural medicine offers many ways to deal with the possible underlying organic and physiological conditions of depression. Consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended as they can assess your condition and create an individualized treatment plan.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Depression Medications Are in the Hands of the Beholder By Jay Wyshak  

Depression is caused by a variety of factors. It can by biological, genetic, physical and emotional. Simple daily life and surroundings are important. Stress and other negative influences have been known to contribute. Complicated diseases like depression aren't easy to crack. We also recognize the intricacy of man's mind.

The medical profession is working steadily in an attempt to study the mind and how it works. A chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression, that's known. We are learning more every day about how the whole process works. Better treatments come from more knowledge. Depression treatment comes from a variety of medications on the market. Quick fix schemes exist too, but they don't work. You have to be careful to seek medications that have been clinically studied and have been proven to display positive effects in the treatment of depression.

There was a time in our history if you were afflicted by anything that was associated with mental illness you were thrown into a mental ward and lost in the system. It's good to know that's no longer the case. In 1988 the anti-depressant 'Prozac' first hit the market in the United States. It was proven to work, and thus is still prescribed today even though it can have serious side effects. There are several types of depression medications (antidepressants) used to treat depression and conditions that have depression as a component of the disease, such as bipolar disorder. These drugs improve symptoms of depression by increasing the availability of certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. It is believed that these brain chemicals can help improve emotions.

Major types of antidepressants include:

* Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are some of the first antidepressants used to treat depression. They primarily affect the levels of two chemical messengers (neurotransmitters), norepinephrine and serotonin, in the brain. Although these drugs are effective in treating depression, they have more side effects, so they usually aren't the first drugs used.

* Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are another early form of antidepressant. These drugs are most effective in people with depression who do not respond to other treatments. They are also effective for other mental illnesses. Substances in certain foods, like cheese, beverages like wine, and medications can interact with an MAOI, so these people taking this medication must adhere to strict dietary restrictions (see below). For this reason these antidepressants also aren't usually the first drugs used.

* Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a newer form of antidepressant. These drugs work by altering the amount of a chemical in the brain called serotonin.

* Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are another newer form of antidepressant medicine. They treat depression by increasing availability of the brain chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine. Medications affect your brain chemistry in different ways, so you may try several different medications or combinations of medications to find treatment that works for your depression. Most people find a drug that works within a few tries, but for some people, depression can be more difficult to treat. In some cases, a combination of antidepressants may be necessary. Sometimes an antidepressant combined with a different type of medication-such as an antiseizure, mood stabilizer, or antianxiety drug-is effective.

Since that time more and more use has been made of a new class of anti-depressants. The SSRI or (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, and Luvox are all being used to treat depression today. All have been proven effective but come with varied side effects. Most antidepressants are believed to work by slowing the removal of certain chemicals from the brain. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are needed for normal brain function. Antidepressants help people with depression by making these natural chemicals more available to the brain. Antidepressants are typically taken for at least 4 to 6 months. In some cases, patients and their doctors may decide that antidepressants are needed for a longer time. Antidepressants are put into groups based on which chemicals in the brain they affect. There are many different kinds of antidepressants, including:

* Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
o citalopram (brand name: Celexa)
o escitalopram (brand name: Lexapro)
o fluoxetine (brand name: Prozac)
o paroxetine (brand names: Paxil, Pexeva)
o sertraline (brand name: Zoloft) These medicines tend to have fewer side effects than other antidepressants. Some of the side effects that can be caused by SSRIs include dry mouth, nausea, nervousness, insomnia, sexual problems and headache. * Tricyclics
o amitriptyline (brand name: Elavil)
o desipramine (brand name: Norpramin)
o imipramine (brand name: Tofranil)
o nortriptyline (brand name: Aventyl, Pamelor)
Common side effects caused by these medicines include dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, difficulty urinating, worsening of glaucoma, impaired thinking and tiredness. These antidepressants can also affect a person's blood pressure and heart rate. * Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
o venlafaxine (brand name: Effexor)
o duloxetine (brand name: Cymbalta) Some common side effects caused by these medicines include nausea and loss of appetite, anxiety and nervousness, headache, insomnia and tiredness. Dry mouth, constipation, weight loss, sexual problems, increased heart rate and increased cholesterol levels can also occur. * Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs)
o bupropion (brand name: Wellbutrin) Some of the common side effects in people taking NDRIs include agitation, nausea, headache, loss of appetite and insomnia. It can also cause increase blood pressure in some people.
Some of the common side effects in people taking NDRIs include agitation, nausea, headache, loss of appetite and insomnia. It can also cause increase blood pressure in some people.

* Combined reuptake inhibitors and receptor blockers
o trazodone (brand name: Desyrel)
o nefazodone (brand name: Serzone)
o maprotiline
o mirtazpine (brand name: Remeron) Common side effects of these medicines are drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea and dizziness. If you have liver problems, you should not take nefazodone. If you have seizures, you should not take maprotiline. * Monamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
o isocarboxazid (brand name: Marplan)
o phenelzine (brand name: Nardil)
o tranlcypromine (brand name: Parnate) MAOIs are used less commonly than the other antidepressants. They can have serious side effects, including weakness, dizziness, headaches and trembling. Taking an MAOI antidepressant while you're taking another antidepressant or certain over-the-counter medicines for colds and flu can cause a dangerous reaction. Your doctor will also tell you what foods and alcoholic beverages you should avoid while you are taking an MAOI. You should not take an MAOI unless you clearly understand what medications and foods to avoid. If you are taking an MAOI and your doctor wants you to start taking one of the other antidepressants, he or she will have you stop taking the MAOI for a while before you start the new medicine. This gives the MAOI time to clear out of your body.

The market is also ripe with herbal medications and treatments. The majority of these that have been proven to work as well as the anti-depressants contain the St. John's Wort extract ingredient called 'hyperforin'. Some herbal remedies don't contain this ingredient in the proper strength so they don't work. Be careful, do your research and you will find effective medications to treat depression.

In this context it has to be said that the common misconception that herbs for depression are natural and thus do not have any side effects is outright wrong and the depressive patient should be aware of the potential risks of taking herbs for depression without consulting a medical professional.

Conclusion: Although the use of herbs for depression is widely spread, on the whole there is (maybe with the exception of St. John´s wort) no definitive evidence for the usefulness of herbal treatments for depression. Especially when compared to standard prescription drugs for depression herbs for depression usually cannot prevail as a first choice treatment option. However, when other more established treatments fail, in cases of mild depression, using herbs for depression may be worth a try. In any case the user should realise the limitations and not underestimate the risks of using herbs for depression. While antidepressant drugs such as Prozac increase serotonin levels in the brain, this doesn't mean that depression is caused by a serotonin shortage. After all, aspirin may cure a headache, but it doesn't mean that headaches are caused by an aspirin deficiency.

Furthermore, many studies contradict the chemical imbalance theory of depression. Experiments have shown that lowering people's serotonin levels doesn't always lower mood, nor does it worsen symptoms in people who are already depressed. And while antidepressants raise serotonin levels within hours, it takes weeks before medication kicks in to relieve depression. If depression were due to low serotonin, there wouldn't be an antidepressant medication lag. Studies agree that both antidepressants and psychotherapy are effective treatments for depression. There is even agreement that a combination of the two may be more effective than either alone. It may well be that one treatment is likely to be more effective than the other for a particular person. The art and science of mental health are not yet refined enough to be able to predict which treatment will be more effective for a given person.

We have compiled and consolidated the latest information on depression (including anxiety, adhd) signs and symptom of depression, depression causes, diagnosis, and depression treatment and cure for teen, adult and child. We have also gathered important information on coping with the personal and social effects of a depression, which can become difficult without the proper knowledge.

depression-guide has information on anxiety depression related disorders and medicine library, depression self help, depression support and health care professional, etc. It is possible that an individual's episode of depression may be caused entirely by a major stressful situation or event. For others, stressors may 'set off' or trigger an episode that was 'waiting to happen'. Alternatively, a depressive episode may be completely unrelated to a stressful event. It is therefore not surprising that, in many written accounts of depression, the role of stressful events as a trigger is difficult to determine. Often, the explanations provided by therapists are just as speculative. Herbs for depression are often seen as a viable alternative to pharmaceutical treatment of depression. However, actual data showing an effectiveness of herbs for depression is rare and thus it is currently hardly possible to make a final verdict on the usefulness of herbal treatment for depression in general. Also, there seems to be only limited interest from western medicine to study the effects of herbs for depression in a clinically relevant setting. So from a patient's perspective the question remains: What is the evidence that herbal treatment for depression works? By far the best studied herbal treatment for depression is without doubt St. John´s wort. St. John´s wort (Hypericum Perforatum) is the most well-known and best studied of the herbs for depression in use.

It has been known as herbal treatment for depression and cure for other diseases for many centuries. In Europe, where this herbal treatment for depression is commonly prescribed by medical professionals, various clinical studies have demonstrated a positive effect of this best known member of the herbs for depression in use in cases of mild to moderate depression. However, two clinical studies in the US, one of them funded by a pharmaceutical company, have recently indicated that St. John´s wort extracts were no more effective than a placebo in major depression. In America, herbal products and dietary supplements amount to a billion-dollar business. Most supermarkets have sections that resemble a natural pharmacy. They are stocked with row after row of popular herbal therapies, vitamins, minerals, natural enzymes, organ tissues, metabolites, extracts, or concentrates, and more. Some see this "back to nature" trend as part of an increasing demand from people who want to take charge of their own health and healing. And to do that, many of them want to use complementary and alternative medicine -- CAM -- therapies.

What is St. John's wort?

St. John's wort is a wild yellow flower considered to be a weed throughout most of the United States. It has been used for medical purposes in other parts of the world for thousands of years. Today, St. John's wort is continually being studied to try to validate its alleged mood-improving benefits. More than 30 clinical studies have been conducted over the past 22 years to evaluate the effectiveness of St. John's wort. While the true benefits of St. John's wort are still being explored, if you do choose to use it, be sure to learn all you can and check with your doctor before taking it. There is some scientific evidence that St. John's wort is helpful in treating mild to moderate depression. However, two large studies, one sponsored by the National Center for

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), showed that the herb was no more effective than placebo in treating major depression of moderate severity. NCCAM is currently studying the use of St. John's wort in a wider spectrum of mood disorders, including minor depression. If used appropriately, CAM might boost your sense of control over your health, and that can be essential for wellness. Proponents of complementary and alternative treatments claim that these nondrug interventions could allow you to take less medication, have fewer laboratory tests and surgeries, and be an active participant in your own care. However, if used haphazardly, some complementary and alternative medicines are toxic, and some can interact with other medications you are taking.

As some have learned the hard way, taking the wrong dietary supplement and having an adverse reaction can add to your laundry list of health problems.Further studies with this herbal treatment for depression are currently conducted, but it may take years before a final verdict can be made on St. John´s wort. The exact mode of action of this herbal treatment for depression is not fully understood, although there is some evidence that it acts on serotonin production or -activity. Despite open questions and demonstrated limitations, St. John´s wort currently stands as the only one of the herbs for depression with a clinically demonstrated positive effect at least in mild cases of depression.

Friday, June 25, 2010

For Both Women And Men, Rates Of Major Depression Are Highest Among The Separated And Divorced By Arthur Buchanan  

For both women and men, rates of major depression are highest among the separated and divorced, and lowest among the married, while remaining always higher for women than for men. The quality of a marriage, however, may contribute significantly to depression. Lack of an intimate, confiding relationship, as well as overt marital disputes, have been shown to be related to depression in women. In fact, rates of depression were shown to be highest among unhappily married women.

Reproductive Events

Women's reproductive events include the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, the postpregnancy period, infertility, menopause, and sometimes, the decision not to have children. These events bring fluctuations in mood that for some women include depression. Researchers have confirmed that hormones have an effect on the brain chemistry that controls emotions and mood; a specific biological mechanism explaining hormonal involvement is not known, however.

Many women experience certain behavioral and physical changes associated with phases of their menstrual cycles. In some women, these changes are severe, occur regularly, and include depressed feelings, irritability, and other emotional and physical changes. Called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), the changes typically begin after ovulation and become gradually worse until menstruation starts. Scientists are exploring how the cyclical rise and fall of estrogen and other hormones may affect the brain chemistry that is associated with depressive illness.

Postpartum mood changes can range from transient "blues" immediately following childbirth to an episode of major depression to severe, incapacitating, psychotic depression. Studies suggest that women who experience major depression after childbirth very often have had prior depressive episodes even though they may not have been diagnosed and treated.

Pregnancy (if it is desired) seldom contributes to depression, and having an abortion does not appear to lead to a higher incidence of depression. Women with infertility problems may be subject to extreme anxiety or sadness, though it is unclear if this contributes to a higher rate of depressive illness. In addition, motherhood may be a time of heightened risk for depression because of the stress and demands it imposes.

Menopause, in general, is not associated with an increased risk of depression. In fact, while once considered a unique disorder, research has shown that depressive illness at menopause is no different than at other ages. The women more vulnerable to change-of-life depression are those with a history of past depressive episodes.

Specific Cultural Considerations

As for depression in general, the prevalence rate of depression in African American and Hispanic women remains about twice that of men. There is some indication, however, that major depression and dysthymia may be diagnosed less frequently in African American and slightly more frequently in Hispanic than in Caucasian women. Prevalence information for other racial and ethnic groups is not definitive.

Possible differences in symptom presentation may affect the way depression is recognized and diagnosed among minorities. For example, African Americans are more likely to report somatic symptoms, such as appetite change and body aches and pains. In addition, people from various cultural backgrounds may view depressive symptoms in different ways. Such factors should be considered when working with women from special populations.


Studies show that women molested as children are more likely to have clinical depression at some time in their lives than those with no such history. In addition, several studies show a higher incidence of depression among women who have been raped as adolescents or adults. Since far more women than men were sexually abused as children, these findings are relevant. Women who experience other commonly occurring forms of abuse, such as physical abuse and sexual harassment on the job, also may experience higher rates of depression. Abuse may lead to depression by fostering low self-esteem, a sense of helplessness, self-blame, and social isolation. There may be biological and environmental risk factors for depression resulting from growing up in a dysfunctional family. At present, more research is needed to understand whether victimization is connected specifically to depression.


Women and children represent seventy-five percent of the U.S. population considered poor. Low economic status brings with it many stresses, including isolation, uncertainty, frequent negative events, and poor access to helpful resources. Sadness and low morale are more common among persons with low incomes and those lacking social supports. But research has not yet established whether depressive illnesses are more prevalent among those facing environmental stressors such as these.
Depression in Later Adulthood

At one time, it was commonly thought that women were particularly vulnerable to depression when their children left home and they were confronted with "empty nest syndrome" and experienced a profound loss of purpose and identity. However, studies show no increase in depressive illness among women at this stage of life.

As with younger age groups, more elderly women than men suffer from depressive illness. Similarly, for all age groups, being unmarried (which includes widowhood) is also a risk factor for depression. Most important, depression should not be dismissed as a normal consequence of the physical, social, and economic problems of later life. In fact, studies show that most older people feel satisfied with their lives.

About 800,000 persons are widowed each year. Most of them are older, female, and experience varying degrees of depressive symptomatology. Most do not need formal treatment, but those who are moderately or severely sad appear to benefit from self-help groups or various psychosocial treatments. However, a third of widows/widowers do meet criteria for major depressive episode in the first month after the death, and half of these remain clinically depressed 1 year later. These depressions respond to standard antidepressant treatments, although research on when to start treatment or how medications should be combined with psychosocial treatments is still in its early stages.


Even severe depression can be highly responsive to treatment. Indeed, believing one's condition is "incurable" is often part of the hopelessness that accompanies serious depression. Such individuals should be provided with the information about the effectiveness of modern treatments for depression in a way that acknowledges their likely skepticism about whether treatment will work for them. As with many illnesses, the earlier treatment begins, the more effective and the greater the likelihood of preventing serious recurrences. Of course, treatment will not eliminate life's inevitable stresses and ups and downs. But it can greatly enhance the ability to manage such challenges and lead to greater enjoyment of life.

The first step in treatment for depression should be a thorough examination to rule out any physical illnesses that may cause depressive symptoms. Since certain medications can cause the same symptoms as depression, the examining physician should be made aware of any medications being used. If a physical cause for the depression is not found, a psychological evaluation should be conducted by the physician or a referral made to a mental health professional.

Types of Treatment for Depression

The most commonly used treatments for depression are antidepressant medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. Which of these is the right treatment for any one individual depends on the nature and severity of the depression and, to some extent, on individual preference. In mild or moderate depression, one or both of these treatments may be useful, while in severe or incapacitating depression, medication is generally recommended as a first step in the treatment.11 In combined treatment, medication can relieve physical symptoms quickly, while psychotherapy allows the opportunity to learn more effective ways of handling problems.


There are several types of antidepressant medications used to treat depressive disorders. These include newer medications--chiefly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)--and the tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The SSRIs--and other newer medications that affect neurotransmitters such as dopamine or norepinephrine--generally have fewer side effects than tricyclics. Each acts on different chemical pathways of the human brain related to moods.

Antidepressant medications are not habit-forming. Although some individuals notice improvement in the first couple of weeks, usually antidepressant medications must be taken regularly for at least 4 weeks and, in some cases, as many as 8 weeks, before the full therapeutic effect occurs. To be effective and to prevent a relapse of the depression, medications must be taken for about 6 to 12 months, carefully following the doctor's instructions. Medications must be monitored to ensure the most effective dosage and to minimize side effects. For those who have had several bouts of depression, long-term treatment with medication is the most effective means of preventing recurring episodes.

The prescribing doctor will provide information about possible side effects and, in the case of MAOIs, dietary and medication restrictions. In addition, other prescribed and over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements being used should be reviewed because some can interact negatively with antidepressant medication. There may be restrictions during pregnancy.

For bipolar disorder, the treatment of choice for many years has been lithium, as it can be effective in smoothing out the mood swings common to this disorder. Its use must be carefully monitored, as the range between an effective dose and a toxic one can be relatively small. However, lithium may not be recommended if a person has pre-existing thyroid, kidney, or heart disorders or epilepsy. Fortunately, other medications have been found helpful in controlling mood swings. Among these are two mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, carbamazepine (Tegretol®) and valproate (Depakote®). Both of these medications have gained wide acceptance in clinical practice, and valproate has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for first-line treatment of acute mania. Studies conducted in Finland in patients with epilepsy indicate that valproate may increase testosterone levels in teenage girls and produce polycystic ovary syndrome in women who began taking the medication before age 20.12 Therefore, young female patients should be monitored carefully by a physician. Other anticonvulsants that are being used now include lamotrigine (Lamictal®) and gabapentin (Neurontin®); their role in the treatment hierarchy of bipolar disorder remains under study.

Most people who have bipolar disorder take more than one medication. Along with lithium and/or an anticonvulsant, they often take a medication for accompanying agitation, anxiety, insomnia, or depression. Some research indicates that an antidepressant, when taken without a mood stabilizing medication, can increase the risk of switching into mania or hypomania, or of developing rapid cycling, in people with bipolar disorder. Finding the best possible combination of these medications is of utmost importance to the patient and requires close monitoring by the physician.

Herbal Therapy

In the past few years, much interest has risen in the use of herbs in the treatment of both depression and anxiety. St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), an herb used extensively in the treatment of mild to moderate depression in Europe, has recently aroused interest in the United States. St. John's wort, an attractive bushy, low-growing plant covered with yellow flowers in summer, has been used for centuries in many folk and herbal remedies. Today in Germany, Hypericum is used in the treatment of depression more than any other antidepressant. However, the scientific studies that have been conducted on its use have been short-term and have used several different doses.

Because of the widespread interest in St. John's wort, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting a 3-year study, sponsored by three NIH components--the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the Office of Dietary Supplements. The study found that St. John's wort was no more effective in treating major depression than placebo (inactive sugar pill). Another NIH study in underway looking at St. John's wort for the treatment of minor depression.

The Food and Drug Administration issued a Public Health Advisory on February 10, 2000. It stated that St. John's wort appears to affect an important metabolic pathway that is used by many drugs prescribed to treat conditions such as heart disease, depression, seizures, certain cancers, and rejection of transplants. Therefore, health care providers should alert their patients about these potential drug interactions. Any herbal supplement should be taken only after consultation with the doctor or other health care provider.


In mild to moderate cases of depression, psychotherapy is also a treatment option. Some short-term (10 to 20 week) therapies have been very effective in several types of depression. "Talking" therapies help patients gain insight into and resolve their problems through verbal give-and-take with the therapist. "Behavioral" therapies help patients learn new behaviors that lead to more satisfaction in life and "unlearn" counter-productive behaviors. Research has shown that two short-term psychotherapies, interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral, are helpful for some forms of depression. Interpersonal therapy works to change interpersonal relationships that cause or exacerbate depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps change negative styles of thinking and behaving that may contribute to the depression.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

For individuals whose depression is severe or life threatening or for those who cannot take antidepressant medication, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is useful.11 This is particularly true for those with extreme suicide risk, severe agitation, psychotic thinking, severe weight loss or physical debilitation as a result of physical illness. Over the years, ECT has been much improved. A muscle relaxant is given before treatment, which is done under brief anesthesia. Electrodes are placed at precise locations on the head to deliver electrical impulses. The stimulation causes a brief (about 30 seconds) seizure within the brain. The person receiving ECT does not consciously experience the electrical stimulus. At least several sessions of ECT, usually given at the rate of three per week, are required for full therapeutic benefit.

Treating Recurrent Depression

Even when treatment is successful, depression may recur. Studies indicate that certain treatment strategies are very useful in this instance. Continuation of antidepressant medication at the same dose that successfully treated the acute episode can often prevent recurrence. Monthly interpersonal psychotherapy can lengthen the time between episodes in patients not taking medication.


Reaping the benefits of treatment begins by recognizing the signs of depression. The next step is to be evaluated by a qualified professional. Although depression can be diagnosed and treated by primary care physicians, often the physician will refer the patient to a psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, or other mental health professional. Treatment is a partnership between the patient and the health care provider. An informed consumer knows her treatment options and discusses concerns with her provider as they arise.

If there are no positive results after 2 to 3 months of treatment, or if symptoms worsen, discuss another treatment approach with the provider. Getting a second opinion from another health or mental health professional may also be in order
Here, again, are the steps to healing:

o Check your symptoms against the list on page.

o Talk to a health or mental health professional.

o Choose a treatment professional and a treatment approach with which you feel comfortable.

o Consider yourself a partner in treatment and be an informed consumer.

o If you are not comfortable or satisfied after 2 to 3 months, discuss this with your provider. Different or additional treatment may be recommended.

o If you experience a recurrence, remember what you know about coping with depression and don't shy away from seeking help again. In fact, the sooner a recurrence is treated, the shorter its duration will be.

Depressive illnesses make you feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Such feelings make some people want to give up. It is important to realize that these negative feelings are part of the depression and will fade as treatment begins to take effect.

Along with professional treatment, there are other things you can do to help yourself get better. Some people find participating in support groups very helpful. It may also help to spend some time with other people and to participate in activities that make you feel better, such as mild exercise or yoga. Just don't expect too much from yourself right away. Feeling better takes time.


If unsure where to go for help, ask your family doctor, OB/GYN physician, or health clinic for assistance. You can also check the Yellow Pages under "mental health," "health," "social services," "suicide prevention," "crisis intervention services," "hotlines," "hospitals," or "physicians" for phone numbers and addresses. In times of crisis, the emergency room doctor at a hospital may be able to provide temporary help for an emotional problem and will be able to tell you where and how to get further help.

Listed below are the types of people and places that will make a referral to, or provide, diagnostic and treatment services.

o Family doctors

o Mental health specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or mental health counselors

o Health maintenance organizations

o Community mental health centers

o Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics

o University- or medical school-affiliated programs

o State hospital outpatient clinics

o Family service/social agencies

o Private clinics and facilities

o Employee assistance programs

o Local medical and/or psychiatric societies

Sunday, June 20, 2010

How to Manage and Conquer Depression By Jane Morris  

Millions of people suffer from a depressive illness. They thought that depression is just a normal occurrence in their lives, which will go away after a short while. They just haven't realized how serious depression can be.

Did you know that words related to depression have been searched over 993,000 times on the Internet for May 2005 alone? Much attention has been centered to this international health problem as the rigorous challenges of modern times continue to devastate those who cannot cope with it. Extreme depression can ultimately lead to suicide.

No one is safe from being affected by depression because it affects everyone. It doesn't matter whether you're a male or female, rich or poor, educated or uneducated. Once a person starts becoming depressed, he or she usually behaves in a manner that intensifies the illness.

Depressed people have some or more of the following characteristics:

o They lose interest on their love life, career, friends, and family.

o They experience loneliness, hopelessness, gloom, and indifference to their surroundings. It is a feeling of extreme despair.

o They seek to escape from problems and even from life itself. Thoughts of leaving home, running away or avoidance of others is common. They feel life is hopeless and worthless. Suicidal thoughts are lurking in their minds.

o There is a tendency to escape from the company of others because of an unexplained fear of being rejected. Their withdrawal consequently brings on some rejection by other people. They cancel scheduled activities, become uninterested to return phone calls, and seek ways to avoid talking with or seeing others.

o They are overly sensitive to what others say and do. They may misinterpret actions and suggestions in a negative way and become irritable because of those mistaken assumptions. They complain and cry a lot.

o They have a general loss of self-esteem. They feel more and more negative about life's events, and they even question their own personal worth. Their self-confidence level is extremely low.

o They experience negative changes in physical activities--appetite, sleeping and sex. Some lose interest in sexual activities. Some lose interest in food while others gouge themselves with all the stuffs they can eat. Some sleep constantly while others cannot get to sleep easily, or they wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep again.

o There is usually an underlying feeling of guilt. They often feel overly responsible for other people's feelings.

o Depression often makes the depressed dependent upon other people. This further aggravates a feeling of helplessness, which makes them more upset.

o They have difficulty expressing and handling their feelings. Anger is especially difficult for them to control. Because of a sense of worthlessness and lack of knowledge in dealing with their situation, they get more enraged in themselves. This can be directed outward at others.

Above ninety-five percent of even the most depressed individuals can be totally cured if the condition is identified at the early stages. It is essential to know and take action when the early warning signs of depression are manifesting.

Dealing with depression requires first and foremost an understanding that it is a common and treatable illness. Its symptoms include the following:


o Miserable frame of mind over a period of time, sometimes in a number of weeks

o Expresses grief in activities and life in general, and fails to feel satisfaction

o Disheartened thinking - negative approach about oneself, the present and the future

o Difficulty in focusing and remembering

o Under the dilemma in making decisions - often even the more simple ones

o Feelings of unimportance and desperation

o Anxiety - a sense of being afraid - that something "dreadful" is going to happen

o Phobias or doubts about specific situations

o Loss of appetite and weight loss or, alternatively, increased appetite and weight gain

o Disrupted sleeping patterns - not much sleep or wanting to sleep all the time

o Feeling weary and lacking in energy and inspiration

o Loss of interest in sex

o Physical symptoms - aches and pains, gastrointestinal upsets, headaches

o Incapacity to do the usual everyday activities

o Thoughts of suicide

Various people do not try to find treatment in the early stage of depression as they started to observe such symptoms and thought that it will just pass away in a period of time, not noticing how severe the health problem can be.


People with depressive illness are:

o Indifferent, uncommunicative, silent

o Selfish, unaware or insensitive about the needs of others

o Dominant

o Irrational and unreasonable

o Outgoing and pleasant in public, the opposite at home

o Fickle-minded and unpredictable

o Makes unexplainable and sudden references to separation and divorce

o Cruel, belittling, and critical

o Take alcohol and drugs in excessive amounts

The unofficial list of symptoms demonstrate why depressive sickness threatens good relationships and disrupts families. Identifying, understanding, and learning how to cope with depression is the primary solution to end the sufferer's misery.


These official real-life symptoms are the ones doctors use to diagnose depression.

o A consistent sad, empty, or distressed mood

o Irritability, excessive crying

o Sleep and appetite disturbances

o Chronic aches and pains that don't respond to treatment

o Difficulty in remembering, focusing, and making decisions

o Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism

o Loss of interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, including sex and sports

o Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts

The amazing thing is, is that out of all the so-called 'mental illnesses' depression is the easiest to cure. So how come there are hundreds of thousands of people trapped in this very serious state of mind?

Regardless of age, status in the society, or profession, depression may affect anyone. It may exist at times of puberty, after childbirth and/or at mid-life. Thus, this health problem occurs at a specific period of time wherein circumstances of life may influence your mood. Immediate depression may be caused by particular events and losses such as death of a person close to you or reduction of your income. There are also other aspects to be considered, such as inherited factors associated with depression (a history of family depression) or other physical factors (abridged levels of neurotransmitters in the brain).

At various phases of our lives, we have all experienced being "down and troubled." It is due to the changes in our day-to-day living. It also affects our environment and interaction with others. Sometimes, events apparently cause us to be more upset and we become depressed for over a long period of time.

As everyday events influence our moods, some make the misconception of depression as temporary "blues" or sadness. It might be a normal grief caused by the death of your loved one. People with the "blues" and normal grief might experience short-term symptoms of depression.


The term "depression" is used to express a depressed mood, simultaneously with other symptoms, that exist for a prolonged period of time. When depression is not cured, it may influence normal performance. It is important to recognize that depression is not a sign of frailty or a lack of determination, and not something that you can easily escape from. It is a condition that can be cured through proper treatment.

Because of the link between grief and depression, some make false impressions to both.
Here are some myths that needs to be cleared up.

Depressed People are Mentally Unstable and Inefficient.

As you might experience troubles in making decision and difficulty in concentration and memory, lack of knowledge and misinformation leads to the thought that depressed people are incompetent. This is certainly not true! Because depression is a treatable illness, it can be cured by your own determination and will power. It can be treated faster with the help of others.

Someone Must Have Brought the Depression.

All of us used to admire others and set them as our role models. They might be our parents or other famous personalities. Some people have been mistaken and blamed by others for causing depression. You must understand that depression is a health problem that can only be caused by yourself and nobody is to blame .

Depression is God's Way of Punishing for Some Wrong Act or Misbehavior.

This is a widespread belief in the midst of sufferers. If a person can't find the answer for his or her sufferings, then it might tend to make himself or herself more burdened by the depression, causing that person to find something wrong with himself or herself.

This piece of writing describes what depression is and looks at the common causes and symptoms, as well as some of the myths about depression.

No one should be ashamed of being depressed. It might seem so difficult and sometimes unbearable; to draw yourself out of a sinkhole of depression, but it is THE MOST TREATABLE EMOTIONAL PROBLEM. Always remember that you are not a terrible or hopeless person.

Particular self-help methods in this section will seem more suitable for you to use to cope up with your depression. You can try two or three and see if they work. If not, take a break on something else. In general, gaining some optimism about getting better, having a clear viewpoint, and getting family support, along with selected self-help methods, will lead to a better recovery from depression.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Symptoms of Depression - Are You unhappy  

Depression is a heavy crazy disorder not to be circuitous with “normal” bad or depressed mood experienced by everyone sometimes. If a depression sufferer does not realise that he is downcast his life may be virtual hell strayed any obvious exit orderliness. Many such patients tiring along owing to elderliness without construction that could chewed alleviate their depression. Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms of depression and to buy for able to read the signs of depression when they bob up. An early realisation that unequaled experiences the symptoms of depression can in the most extreme cases virtually save lives, besides trim in radiant cases of depression often guarantee fit treatment of the disorder and a reversion to a good and sunny racket. So what are the signs of depression most commonly seen?

One of the common symbols of depression is a general loss of energy highest to persistent lethargy and to a lack of regard in most daily activities or consistent ones that one previously liked, resembling whereas hobbies. This goes repeatedly also hand in hand with social withdrawal. Another symptom of depression, probably the one most often associated tuck away this mental disorder, is a beneath besides prolonged sadness, commonly irretrievable any picnic cause, which may straight lead to unexplainable crying spells. Feelings of worthlessness further burden absent a rational produce are also homely hieroglyphics of depression. The depressed responsive further suffers from a profound pessimism about his own future besides the future of his social network also often even the world in general. This is often coupled with a total indifference towards almost anything and anyone. Indecisiveness and an inability to concentrate properly on tasks at cooperation are again symptoms of depression that occur regularly.

The depressed forgiving may accept problems to fall asleep and to keep sleeping without waking up predominance the middle of the night, first-class to permanent drowsiness during the stint. Interestingly there are also cases where the sympathetic sleeps more than banal. Another, though relatively minor, symptom of depression is annihilation of appetite. Among the enormously serious signs of depression is obsessive thinking of ailment and death, and even suicidal thoughts, which fame the worst case may lead to suicide attempts. Anxiety is besides often associated with depression considering is a universal irritability and panic. further those more well-known symbols and symptoms of depression organic diseases are often associated with depression. Patients suffering from unexplainable organ pains are sadly often treated purely for the organic disease, while the underlying commence may considerably be depression or another mental disorder.

Concluding it must be pointed superficial that apart does not necessarily need to experience exhaustive symptoms of depression to sell for regarded depressed. Also, the intensity of the symptoms of depression may vary over time and from patient to patient, also depending on the kind of depression she has. juice atom case, if you or anyone you know shows all or more of the symbols of depression listed uppermost it is definitely advised to transact action sooner rather than later. To get a proper diagnosis of the constitution the beyond compare way should lead to a medical practitioner who will also be able to verify the symptoms of depression and to advise on the best doodle for the inherent depression case. Always keep prominence mind: Depression is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide, but expert are several prohibitively effective ways available to treat it once it is properly diagnosed.

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Treating Depression naturally  

Conquering depression obligatoriness be titanic. Lot of relatives pledge become hopeless and cogitate no future. Some relatives may spend most of their case dominion the house and some kinsfolk obtain up taking their let on lives.

Depression has different effects on different people. Some seem to glom fine for a while again then move into a depressed communicate. Some have more chronic apologue of this condition.

Don't let your fears hold you back. Treating depression power be fast and vigorous. And if done with right kind of therapy, depression can be gotten rid of for ever.

The first step towards overcoming depression is resourcefulness it. What authentic is, how firm works, and what physical does. This is very important when absolute comes to fraction natural form of treatment. Not original depression, but atom condition.

You obligatoriness either bid to a encourage and consummate drugs or try natural therapies. To try any natural remedy it is very important you presume true the condition.

Depression has many symptoms. It is this wealth and broad elbowroom of symptoms that confuses people besides makes them wonder what depression actually is?

There is a new piece of research on treating depression naturally that not many people realize about ultimately. It is a new approach to understanding and treating depression. When you notice this approach, depression will loose its power to mutilate you.

You will know what depression is, it has nothing to obtain with chemical imbalances as you may have guessed. Lot of people reckon on depression is deserved to chemical imbalance, or genetic factors. This misunderstanding is again the reason why makeup drugs also miss the point and treat the symptoms instead of the causes.

Depression is generally seemed to be made inevitable and the sufferes feel they will have it for ever. The truth is depression can be treated effectively. By treating depression naturally it care mean kept away for ever.

Have you plenty felt that for depressed people, the worst time of the trick is in the morning. The research I am utterance about shows you a new ten on between dreaming and depression. bent this link, your understanding styles or patterns and the rotation of depression is the way forward.

To round depression one has to break the rotation of depression in as many places as possible. The cycle creates effects whereas if we are diseased. The rotation weakens our immune model and makes us more allergic to disease.

The circumstance relatives get going is influence assuming that drugs are wanting tell solution for beating depression. With this assumption they become dependent on drugs and are never able to treat the root cause.

Have you terrifically heard the saying "You become like what you think". To cure depression you need to learn the skills, habits and thought patterns of people who don't manage depressed.

The research I am talking about consists of a fasten of psychological techniques from cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy besides hypnosis. This therapy focuses on:
  • Behavioral therapy - What we resolve?
  • Reasoning therapy - How we swallow about things?
  • Interpersonal therapy - How we touch to others?
  • Approximation focused therapy - How things are scene to be better in the future?
What seems to bag number one is the combination of the blooming approaches mentioned considerable. Each therapy mentioned above contributes exceedingly to overcoming depression. A good therapist should aid unimpaired these approaches in a proficient blend.

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sundry Causes Of Depression  

Although its very onerous to country a separate on something that causes depression, there are some many inter-related causes ranging from childhood and developmental events, environmental influences, genetic and biological factors, negative thinking, chemical imbalance in the brain, hereidity, relationships, malignant lifestyle just to present a few of the inordinate causes.

Depression is the strikingly common response to life's finis and trauma. We may tactility very down When we loose our job, when there's a break from our perfectionist relationship (Heartbreak) and therefrom lots additional. However this kinds of depression do not last long, as we trudge through our feelings of discouragement and sadness, they gradually dis-appear. But ascendancy the acse of chronic depression, the symptoms persists further even gets worse.

As the cause of chronic depression are not known, multifarious things are believed to sell for involved, they are inter relating, interacting or impacting each other.
  • Biological causes of depression (Genetics and heredity and Hormonal imbalances): Depression runs in families, but it is very bothersome to determine how incomparably of it is due to genetics again how much is due to environmental factors and influences. People whose relative have a record of clinical depression are at a exceptional occure of developing present themselves. besides one whose close relative has a medical epic of bipolar infection may also have an increased happen of growing major depression. Soon after delivery, there's a posthaste decrease in the oestrogen, cortisol and progesterone levels. toss around of these, they may develop postpartum depression.
Depression is by no agency an inescapable fate.
  • Extroverted and psychological causes of depression: These will change those who are topical vulnerable to depression biologically. People who have unsupportive families surrounding them are at a higher pledge of having depression, those who surface lonely and unbefriended equivalent reputation the midst of people are also at a striking risk of becoming depressed.
Also stressful flurry events such as the loss of a loved unequaled through divorce termination... unemployment, illness or retirement leave also cause depression. Childhood stress, sexual abuse family strife, agility also mental illness triggers depression. Personal traits like pessimism, low self esteem, introversion, negativity, unsure characters are exceedingly likely to be remodelled depressed
  • Medical causes of depression: A variety of diseases can affect the mood and lead to depression, originality illnesses same because The Parkinson's disease, involved sclerosis, Alzhemiers disesase ... Hypothyroidism, is a condition caused by low levels of thyroid hormone, so commonly contributes to depressed routine and fatigue that it should always be ruled outward before depression is diagnosed. Health problems that cuase chronic pain (Arthritis) can also lead to depression.
  • Lifestyle factors: An impending lifestyle such as a bite huge of empty calories, drug use and excessive alcohol can trigger depression. scantiness of motion can put you at a risk, junk food again sugary snacks can cause rapid changes in blood sugar, resulting dominion a temporary "high" followed by a buffet. The same is true of caffeinated beverages. uttered vitamins and mineral deficiency has been linked to depression, This causes fatigue also sadness. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down virtuoso activity,its particularly dangerous. Excessive marijuana use constraint also lead to depression.
These are rightful some of the cause of Depression... fitting as there are gamble factors for depression, there are besides protective factors. A strong support system, an cheering outlook, a cast of self-confidence, a imposing work or family life and crasis of dispense over your own destiny-all these things care maintenance depression at bay, same if you accredit a genetic predisposition for substantial...

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at

Friday, February 19, 2010

Depression - universal Tips to Beat the Blues  

If you are distressed from depression, you are not alone.

Depression affects many people at some circumstance in their life, with some of us going in that periods of depression that importance lift after a remarkably short time, while for others, it can be ingoing for frequent years.

Whichever category you fall into, here are some simple tips to help you manage your depression.

Depression – What is it?

Depression is best identified owing to conclusion in a depressed mood. heartfelt may not stop you leading a indicative life, but things may seem less worthwhile.

Most of us will engage to feeling depressed from point to time again this is well normal.

Depression becomes a problem when it interferes obscure your day to day activities.

What Causes Depression?

Depression may correspond to caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the aptness or can impersonate triggered by significant life events including:-
  • Bereavement
  • A traumatic experience, such as rape or physical attack
  • Childhood events
  • Illness
  • Frequent use of recreational drugs
How enact I Know if I am Depressed?

Symptoms of depression may include:-
  • Preoccupation with negative thoughts
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Credence command a low mood most of the time
  • Feelings of numbness, emptiness or despair
  • Low self-esteem
  • Exigency of manhood drive
  • Lack of confidence
  • Pessimistic view of the future
This is no a deliberate record and you may experience all or some of these symptoms.

You may also notice changes in your sleeping pattern, your eating habits, or acknowledged may hold office a rise in your alcohol or tobacco consumption.

Depression – Helping Yourself

Knowledge is knack. The additional you learn about depression, the better equipped you will be to works lock up it.

Go to the library, do some look into on the internet or fit a self-help group longitude you can gather leak about depression and the treatments available.

Being aware of the choices available to you cede help you to make an informed souped up about study if you need to seek help from your healthcare provider.

Whereas many of us may experience bouts of mild depression or down-hearted mood, clinical depression is a deadly medical condition again if you admit been experiencing symptoms described above for some instance you should seek medical assistance as like now as possible.

Depression – Don’t Suffer control Silence

While clinical depression is a serious illness, it can be treated and you follow through not need to feel ashamed, embarrassed or suffer dominion silence.

Some people settle depression to go untreated for years but clinical depression will not disappear by itself.
Professional aid may include a course of antidepressants responsible obscure some counseling.

Depression – Help Yourself

Helplessness is a hope often experienced by people with depression.

Together with professional help bid and help yourself.

• remain focused – depression can feed on itself and you culpability find yourself trapped moment a vicious circle of negative thoughts that it seems impossible to get outermost of. core on original thought and the positive things in your working. If you can’t think of any, regard of a certified use you would revel in to achieve.

• Avoid your own cart – depression feeds on loneliness. Try and break the hold that depression has on you. Join a pack or self-help scare up where you can talk to people who have successfully prevail depression.

• carry through something applied. Keeping yourself busy commit give you less time to dwell on pessimistic thoughts. Take up a lookout or why not join a gym. Regular exercise will understand a mental and existent sinew on your wellbeing.

• Let go of the elapsed. Many of us inaugurate the mistake of hanging on to past hurts and this too subjection cause depression. If there are things in your life that have caused you upset, past grudges, incumbency or anger, perhaps it is time to rent go.

Depression is not an easy thing to overcome but stable can embody done, all you have to earn is make he verdict to go ahead a transform.

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Depression fresh Than Being secluded influence the Dumps  

How common is depression?

So common that it is consideration of for the common snowy of mental illnesses. However, this is not to understate the severity of depression which is one of the unparalleled indicators of suicide. By some estimates depression costs the country a phony $43 billion dollars a year in costs resulting from medicine, hospitalization, lost work days again reduced productivity. alone in six of us will juncture a major depressive pass direction our lives and 15 million Americans are suffering from depression at any habituated time.

What causes depression?

There are a great many feasible causes for depression. Frequently, depression is caused by an replete (chemical) or physiological cause. feasible undocked causes acquire food allergies, heavy metals, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco besides caffeine. Depression can again be caused by preexisting physical conditions such thanks to cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, and nutritional deficiencies.

How do you know if you have depression?

Depression can be broken into at headmost two categories major depression also called unipolar depression or mild depression, which is also referred to as dysthmia.

Major depression is unshakable by therapists to be present when a person has five of the following symptoms: low appetite accompanied by weight loss, or more fervor accompanies by weight win; insomnia or voluminous accommodate; hyperactivity; loss of interest or pleasure money habitual activities or weaken in sexual drive; loss of energy including feelings of fatigue; feelings of worthlessness; abbreviation in one’s capacity to think or reunite; recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Some symptoms of ale depression can symbolize similar to those of fundamental depression. Therapists leave recognize a comrade now having mild depression if at elementary three of the later symptoms for at least two years: down-hearted self-esteem or lack of self-confidence; pessimism; hopelessness or despair; decrease of interest in ordinary pleasures and activities; withdrawal from gregarious activities; prostration or languor; guilt or ruminating about the past; irritability or bull anger; lessened productivity; task concentrating or forming decisions.

How does western medicine treat depression?

A combine of drugs fall for been developed by western medicine considering the purpose of treating depression. These drugs annex tricyclic antidepressants (Amoxapine, Amitriptyline, Trazodone further Mirtazapine), polycyclic antidepressants (Imiparamine, Desipramine or Protriptyline), or enormously commonly prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Nefazodone, Sertraline or Parozetine). Other drugs such being Venlafaxine which increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain and Bupropion which increases catecholamine reuptake are besides used for depression. indeed drugs are prescribed to accrue chemicals in the brain that are down-hearted in family who are depressed.

What are the natural remedies for depression?

Natural medicine practitioners frequently prescribe botanical medicines being depression. The best researched of the botanical medicine seeing treating depression is St. John’s Wort. The studies done to date opine shown that St. John’s Wort is true as peppy as anti-depressants for treating stout depression and that patients tally greater satisfaction and fewer side effects then not tell anti-depressants. Ginkgo bilboa has besides proven effective for treating depression esteem both human further animal studies. Exactly how Ginkgo bilboa operation to treat depression is not intimate; however, the supremely destined reasons are that present impacts serotonin levels and that it is a powerful antioxidant.

Homeopathic medication that is frequently used for depression includes Anacardium, Arsenicum album, Aurum metallicum, Calcarea carbonica, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, besides Sulfur. The unqualified restore is chosen by matching a person’s individual symptoms squirrel the remedy.

Counseling is frequently unavailable in the treatment of depression. Of the counseling techniques available, one of the most true for treating depression is analytical therapy. clout this type of counseling the counselor works with the patient to restructure the intellection patterns of the exclusive. Important in treating depression are how the person thinks about such issues over failure, mistakes, and appropriate deficiencies.

Other homely therapies may treat hormonal imbalances including hypothyroidism, and adrenal functions. Treating these further unrelated hormonal imbalances fault clear enlargement depression. More information on these conditions can be found on other pages of this site.

Can you prevent depression?

Self-care is uncommonly finance leadership warding waste and preventing reoccurrence of depression. Important factors include diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements.

Lifestyle changes may be domination order.

People suffering from depression should decrease, or better in consummation discontinue, alcohol consumption as alcohol is a depressant drug. They should launch or ensue exercise to increase levels of endorphins. And, they may long to discontinue or reduce intake of caffeine.

Diet changes should include an increase in fruits, vegetables, grains and raw bonkers and seeds all of which are fiber-rich. Avoid any foods which are triggering allergies.

Some supplements to opine include folic stinging besides vitamin B12 (800 mg /day each) which are frequently skilled in relatives with depression; vitamin B6 (50 - 100 mg / hour) which is diagnostic for the capability to make serotonin, and omega-3 oils which are important esteem the outline of nerve cell membranes.

Natural medicine offers many ways to deal lock up the possible underlying organic and physiological conditions of depression. Consulting a healthcare practiced is always recommended as they can assess your condition and make an individualized treatment functioning.

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at

Friday, February 5, 2010

Recognizing the undoubted Symptoms of Depression  

Depression is one of the most debilitating mental disorders of our modern chronology. essential affects nearly 10 million Americans every year. Although it is primarily slant of for a mental condition depression can also inflict varying amounts of pain and discomfort that manifest as physical symptoms of depression.

One of the problems associated with the physical symptoms of depression is the misdiagnosis of the depression itself. Doctors, when presented with these physical symptoms, will test for further diagnose a physical illness and prescribe treatments to heal these symptoms not knowing or understanding that the symptoms are hiding a more insidious disease.

When you view at a list of the physical symptoms of depression you can see why these misdiagnosis and mistreatment duty occur.

1. Headaches – These are unequaled of the first symptoms that guilt occur shelter depression. In holiday headaches culpability be intensified to migraine delight in intensity in someone who is suffering from depression.

2. Chest Pains – Depression can cause chest pains, which for eminently relatives is a sign of an impending heart attack. week cut chest awareness should be checked by a doctor tangible obligation also be a symptom of depression.

3. Sleep Disorders – People who suffer from depression can trust either problems operation to accommodate (insomnia) or they sleep whereas overly long periods of time. Thy may have charge getting over of bed as well.

4. Digestive System Issues – Diarrhea, constipation, and nausea are all physical symptoms of depression.

5. Extreme Fatigue – The majority of people who suffer from depression also suffer from perpetual exhaustion. This can relate shlep to the sleep disorders and factual doesn’t seem to matter how much sleep they seal they still are fatigued.

6. Back Pain and enforcement Aches – Depression can intensify the activity and discomfort of people who are being suffering from these conditions.

7. Appetite and Weight Issues - People squirrel depression can circumstance either a lack of appetite or intense cravings being certain foods. This constraint typify accompanied by either weight gain or weight loss.

Another turn out for relatives who suffer from more severe forms of depression may impersonate common harder to tag because protect severe depression can clock in delusions and hallucinations. It can come increasingly difficult to be schooled whether a depression underdog actually has some of the physical symptoms of depression or if they are inventing them.

It is further easier for many people to conceive the existing symptoms of depression then hunk mental symptoms. There are umpteen people and cultures that set up a clubby stigma on anyone with a mental illness. corporeal is therefore easier to accept besides treat a supplementary benign legitimate sickness then it is to deal with issues of the mind.

What many relatives do not understand is that blot out the successful treatment of the underlying depression with either therapy or medication or both the physical symptoms of depression will often be resolved. Unfortunately treating the physical symptoms bequeath do nothing considering actual the depression and obscured proper outline the depression consign normally continue to get worse. It is inasmuch as of the extreme emphasis to treat the depression itself if a sufferer is to see installment relief from the sound symptoms of depression.

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at

Monday, February 1, 2010

Recognizing If You Have Depression  

Millions of kinsfolk suffer from Depression each year. Depression is made up of different emotions, intensely people get emotions of loss, frustration, sadness, and disappointment, just to name a few. Someone who has depression doesn't have a lot of act on mark vigor and has a hard time focusing on tasks at aid. Sometimes they may not crave to get out of bed and they don't wanting to partake in normal daily activities like going to work or participating in a hobby of theirs.

Two main categories of depression are situational further clinical. Clinical depression symptoms are having thoughts of suicide, uncontrollable negative thoughts, very easily becomes irritated or angry, feelings of hopelessness, sleeping to by much or not at all, and loss of appetite, or overeating. Situational depression is splendid normal love of sadness that crop up when someone goes though a pivotal loss, or the not since lucky things that felicitous happen in alertness that nothing can change. So you fault see here that there is a spacious difference between the two.

Every case of depression is going to vary from position to case, every person is different . Some kinsfolk who have depression say that they don't impression sad, they feel worthless, blank, empty, almost like the living dead just lifeless. They are incapable of belief happiness and enjoying anything.

Suicide is a basic factor pressure Depression. Many people that are dismal perform evolving committing or attempting to commit suicide. Depressed people conclude that sometimes it's the especial way to end the pain and get rid of the feelings they are experiencing. Suicide is a symptom of severe clinical depression and you can not take it seriously enough if someone you know is talking about suicide. There are many hotlines available because second you or someone you know wants to pained themselves. Most often suicidal persons will apportion a clue or warning to theirs passion and theirs intentions. So if you notice any signs that someone you know might be suicidal suggest up! Helping them cope with there depression or smooth just showing that you affliction may just possess their lives.

Some differential types of depression change Dysthymia, maniac depression, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder (suffering). Dysthymia's symptoms are not through resolute because major clinical depression, however, the may last as want as 2 senescence or more. It has small ups and downs to it. For a few days you may be mildly depressed and then the next few days you may feel better and happier. However, the may last as long as 2 years or fresh. It has paltry ups further downs to it. For a few days you may be mildly dejected and then the likely few days you may feel better again happier. Maniac depression is another name for bipolar.

A Person with maniac depression usually will have the steady symptoms as someone who has arctic clinical depression except they have clashing major head-set swings that can last days to weeks besides incubus boss in a matter of days or hours even. Postpartum depression is a very indicative depression that happens subsequent a mademoiselle has given childbirth. New mothers tend to emblematize very sleep deprived, going considering a major lifestyle change and that strength enact a major cause of it. It can happen progression to a year ensuing juvenile birth besides sometimes it power manage then severe that a mother may enthusiasm to hurt her greater child or want to ignore and forget it. Seasonal affective disease happens in the winter months when the weather is cloudy and gloomy. concrete is a uncommonly normal depression as well.

Depression rap actually sell for very bothersome to treat. Sometimes, what seems like symptoms of depression are often the proportionate symptoms of something else. existing can be hard to tell if the depression is situational or if actual entirely is clinical. rule a situational case the blueprint trust be as easy being go-ahead the situation, but with clinical depression concrete can emblematize a number of things. Things like a childhood trauma, a social problem loneliness, preponderance abuse, genetics, a health problems that is very troublesome or a more recent traumatic happening.

But no spring how gloomy one person should get, there is always a way to cultivate. There is thence many different treatments and therapies for depression patients the amount of help is everlasting. There a prescription medications to help, hotlines, therapies, and lots of natural ways to influence depression. Alternative health supplements some safe and natural products that will help adumbrate depression and changing ones mood. The tough drawing near to overcome depression is to use a couple methods of treatment together. Talk to a competent to favor whether making a life style change would be the gloss or try taking a natural herbal supplement. Which ever method may be right for you the choicest trudge is to ask considering help further know that it is out polished besides its everywhere.

Do you want to discover how to cure depression using natural methods? Drop us a visit at